Bodie is a 6-month-old baby boy who has gone through so much since he was born. He seemed to be healthy at birth, but that first night he wouldn’t nurse, was extra fussy, and he was not eliminating waste on his own.
On day two he began vomiting a green substance and was immediately flown by helicopter to Riverbend Hospital in Eugene.
Testing began, x-rays were taken, and doctors discovered that the bottom portion of Bodie’s intestines was not functioning.
Four days after Bodie was born he was diagnosed with Hirchsprung’s disease. This diagnosis is fatal without surgery. He needed an invasive abdominal surgery to remove the diseased and non-functioning section of his intestines.
Bodie spent 21 of his first 45 days of life in the hospital in Eugene and Bend. He was sent home with a feeding tube from his nose to his stomach.
Bodie currently gets nutrition from bottle feedings, but his stomach is very sensitive. He has weekly appointments for his gut problems as well as elimination issues. Bodie will need to see a G.I. specialist in Seattle and may need another surgery in the future. There are many unknowns as this is such a rare disease.
Bodie is very expressive. He is generally a very happy baby. He loves being tickled and has the best laugh! He enjoys attention from his family, especially from his sister Harper. He really loves being snuggled as well.
Bodie will be adopted as a Sparrow to Mountain View High School. Mountain View students will work hard to raise money for Bodie through sponsored community service.