Chase is a happy, playful little boy who will turn 2 in August 2025. He loves smiling, laughing, listening to Doggyland, and watching Disney movies!
Little Chase has faced many medical challenges since birth and spent 70 days in the NICU at OHSU in Portland.
Chase was born with a small lower jaw (micrognathia), which makes eating, breathing, and hearing more difficult.
Chase was also born with a cleft palate (a hole in the roof of his mouth), which was repaired with surgery when he was 14 months old. During the surgery, doctors placed tubes in his ears to help his hearing.
In January of 2025, Chase was additionally diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which affects his muscles. He will soon get leg braces and a stander to help him learn to move and walk.
Chase works hard every week with physical and occupational therapy, plus monthly feeding and speech therapy.
Although Chase is behind in development for his age, he is strong and determined! His challenges don’t stop him from spreading joy and inspiring everyone he meets with his sweet and happy personality!
Chase will be adopted as a Sparrow to Miller Elementary School, in Bend. Students will work hard to earn money for Chase through sponsored community service, supporting him and cheering him on as he and his family continue to navigate his medical journey.