Drayson is a 13-year-old boy who likes mountain biking, playing on his Challengers baseball team, being a “daredevil,” and being a goofball. He is described as a friend who encourages others and is very compassionate and empathetic.
When Drayson was 6 weeks old, he was struggling to eat or stay awake, then suddenly his heart stopped, and his mother gave him CPR for 45 minutes until the ambulance arrived. He was then emergency airlifted to Portland. He experienced seizures during the entire plane ride. Doctors intubated him for 3 weeks and ran many tests. It was determined he had no brain activity, and his family was told to prepare to say goodbye to him.
Miraculously, Drayson pulled through and is now one of the happiest boys you’ll ever meet. He does have a long list of medical challenges he faces every day that include epilepsy, GERD, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, cortical visual impairment, scoliosis, and growth delays.
Drayson spent the next 3 years of his life traveling to Portland often to see various specialists and receive many forms of therapy. The medical hurdles even kept him from being able to eat on his own until he was in first grade.
Drayson is now on daily seizure medications and had a VNS (vagus nerve stimulator) surgery done to help doctors regulate his seizures. Drayson also wears glasses to help with his cortical blindness. He lost full vision in his left eye.
Drayson has overcome more than most people ever will. He will continue to battle many medical hurdles for his entire life. However, Drayson is not defined by his medical conditions, and he hopes his story will remind others to never give up. He believes life is a gift and he is determined to live it with joy and zest.
Drayson will be adopted as the Sparrow to Logos Public Charter School. Logos students will work hard to earn money for Drayson through sponsored community service.